echo variable php code example

Example 1: How to show php text

  echo "Hello World!";
// You can also do this with a variable:
$YourVariable = "Hello World!";
echo $YourVariable;

Example 2: php echo variable

  $name = "John Doe";
  echo "Hey $name!";

Example 3: php echo html and variable

echo '<img src="' . $Variable . '">';

Example 4: Difference between echo and print statement in php

Source link:

1. echo Statement
* we can write echo statement with parenthesis like 'echo()' or without parenthesis 'echo'.
* In the echo we can pass multiple variable in comma separated form to see the output like 'echo $a,$b,$c;'
* echo doesn’t return any value
* echo is faster then print

2. Print Statement
* we can write print statement with parenthesis like 'print()' or without parenthesis 'print'.
* In the print we can not pass multiple variable in comma separated form like echo.
* print statement always returns 1.
* print is slower than echo

Example 5: php variable in echo

echo 'Hello '.$variableName.'!';

Example 6: how to show rext in php

  $hello = "HELO";
  echo "hello";
	if (youwantvar = on) {
    echo $hello