git check in code command code example

Example 1: git common commands

git init
//add all
git add .

//cancel adds
git reset

//cancel commits
git reset HEAD^
//cancel last 3 commits
git reset HEAD~3

//when first commit
git push -u origin master

//remove remote origin
git remote remove origin

//reset remote origin
git remote add origin

Example 2: git commands

//initialize git
git init

//Connect with git live code
git remote add origin *Enter URL Here*

//Pull from origin main
git pull origin main

//Pull from origin master
git pull origin master

//To check status of changes
git status

//add all
git add .

//add fileA.css fileB.js
git add fileA.css fileB.js

//Commit changes
git commit -m "your commit on changes"

//Push to master
git push -u origin master