git what does stash do code example

Example 1: git stash

# You can always retrieve stashed changes using `git stash`

git stash # To add changes to stash stack
git stash list # Shows list of stashed changes
git stash apply stash@{0} # Retrieve stash
git stash clear # Clear stash list

Example 2: git stash

# List of git stash commands
git stash save "optional message for yourself" # Stash a copy of your current changes
git stash list # Show list of stashed changes
git stash show -p STASH-NAME # Preview changes that would occur when applying stash
git stash apply STASH-NAME # Apply changes and leaves a copy in the stash
git stash pop STASH-NAME # Apply changes and removes from stash
git stash drop STASH-NAME # Delete a particular saved item
git stash clear # Clear everything from stash