how do you handle conflicts code example

Example 1: how do you handle conflict

I try to Avoid conflicts :)
Nothing is personal. Everyone thinks company’s benefits; so I
would like to explain my concern and his/her explanation
makes sense for me. Of course, I can do the things which is
most helpful to my company. So, I try to communicate with
his/her and I would try to understand the concern. Because
everyone has the same goal and wants to get job done
We are professionals
I try not allow anything have an impact on the productivity of
team and also, I try to solve the issue among us not engaging
the upper management.
I believe the power of face to face communication, listening
without judging, empathy.
I found a defect, the junior developer did not consider it as
defect, he even retarded and behaved rudely, but thanks to our
team norms I did not continue the discussion and set up a
meeting with the BA, and the leads of the developers and test
lead. Even without the mentioning the issue between us, I
explained the details of the defect I found and asked them to
come up with a decision.
I especially avoid making this personal, probably my team mate
also understood his mistake, and fix the defect quickly, from that
time on our friendship has improved

Example 2: how to handle merge conflicts

git stash        -- > take my project to temp memory
git pull         -- > pull the project from GitHub to working directory
						(my computer)
git stash pop    -- > take my project to my working directory,     
					fix the conflict and merge the project.
git add .
git commit –m “comment”
git push