how to create a software installer code example

Example: create exe installer

How to create your own installer using Inno Setup:

Launch the Inno Setup Compiler app.
In the welcome prompt, select Create a new script file using the Script Wizard.
Enter your Application Name and Application Version. Optionally, you can also include Application Publisher and Application Website details. Click Next.
Select the Destination base folder, which defaults to Program Files. Enter an Application folder name, which is the name of main directory where your installation files will go. Click Next.
For Application main executable file, browse and select the main EXE file that will launch your app. If you aren’t installing an app, enable The application doesn’t have a main executable file. Then add files and folders to your installation with the Add files… and Add folders… buttons. Click Next.
On the Application Shortcuts page, leave the defaults or change them to fit your preferences. They’re all self-explanatory. Click Next.
On the Application Documentation page, you can point to up to three TXT files that will be displayed throughout the end user’s installation process. Typically these will be LICENSE.TXT, INSTALL.TXT, and README.TXT, but they can be whatever you want. Click Next.
On the Setup Languages page, keep English but feel free to add as many other languages as you wish. Click Next.
On the Compiler Settings page, you can customize the installer EXE file:
> Custom compiler output folder is where the resulting installer EXE file will be placed.
> Compiler output base file name is what the EXE file will be called. The default setting is setup.exe.
> Custom Setup icon file is the icon that will be used for the installer EXE file. This must be an ICO file, which you can download or converted from PNG.
Setup password will protect unauthorized users from using your installer. Leave it blank to disable this feature.
Click Finish. When prompted to compile the new script, click Yes. When prompted to save the script, select No if this is a one-time installer file or select Yes if you plan to modify or update it later. Done!