kubernetes windows 10 code example

Example 1: kubernetes on windows 10

install kubernetes on windows 10 follow this step by step
1. install chocolatey , follow this link https://bit.ly/2XQg2kh, before install chocolatey run as powershell
2. after install chocolatey , typing choco install kubernetes-cli in your cli
3. goto cd %userprofile% mkdir .kube and then typing New-Item config -type file
4. set environment -> choice system -> path -> copy this C:\Users\yourcomputername
5. download minikube follow this link https://bit.ly/3oU54WT, and then choice minikube-installer.exe
6. follow this image after install minikube successfully
 - https://i.imgur.com/HYJbcnj.png
 - https://imgur.com/5fEUG8W.png
 - https://imgur.com/wXNHayE.png
 - https://imgur.com/YFyLifN.png 
 - https://imgur.com/KIBBnLV.png
 - https://imgur.com/OJ3ARuU.png
7. enjoy successfully kubernetes is working

Example 2: kubernetes windows install

curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.18.0/bin/windows/amd64/kubectl.exe