laravel console code example

Example 1: php artisan tinker

php artisan tinker
# Using this AdminUser Class we can save data from command
>>> $admin = new App\Models\AdminUser
=> App\Models\AdminUser {#3379}
>>> $admin->name = 'Admin'
=> "Admin"
>>> $admin->email = '[email protected]'
=> "[email protected]"
>>> $admin->password = Hash::make('manojd123')
=> "$2y$10$s7IfVxrc48RYUbYwIbOuXOQRKdDZzXb.4RIVQ1P8bWPcxY6s1IPZe"
>>> $admin->job_title = 'Admin'
=> "Admin"
>>> $admin->save()
=> true

Example 2: artisan make command

php artisan make:command CommandName

Example 3: laravel create command tutorial

$arguments = $this->arguments();

Example 4: laravel create command tutorial

 * The name and signature of the console command.
 * @var string
protected $signature = 'email:send {user} {--queue}';