ls - 1 bash code example
Example: linux list
# syntax
# ls *<options> '*<file-dir>'
# example
ls -ltr './*.log'
# + --------- + -------------------------------------------------------+
# + --------- + -------------------------------------------------------+
# | -a | list all files including hidden file starting with '.' |
# | --color | colored list [=always/never/auto] |
# | -d | list directories - with ' */' |
# | -F | add one char of */=>@| to enteries |
# | -i | list file's inode index number |
# | -l | list with long format - show permissions |
# | -la | list long format including hidden files |
# | -lh | list long format with readable file size |
# | -ls | list with long format with file size |
# | -r | list in reverse order |
# | -R | list recursively directory tree |
# | -s | list file size |
# | -S | sort by file size |
# | -t | sort by time & date |
# | -X | sort by extension name |
# + --------- + -------------------------------------------------------+