monit add multiple address in notify code example

Example 1: monit network request in ubuntu

while true
echo -----`date '+%r'` -----:
netstat -ant | grep :3011 | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
echo httpd processes: [`ps aux | grep httpd | wc -l`]
echo .
sleep 2

Example 2: Error: Could not execute bundle monit

check process sidekiq
  with pidfile /var/www/App/tmp/pids/
  start program = "/bin/su - deploy -c 'sudo cd /var/www/App && bundle exec sidekiq --index 0 --pidfile /var/www/App/tmp/pids/ --environment production --logfile /var/www/App/log/sidekiq.log --daemon'" as uid deploy and gid deploy
  stop program = "/bin/su - deploy -c 'cd /var/www/App && bundle exec sidekiqctl stop /var/www/App/tmp/pids/ 10'" as uid deploy and gid deploy
  if totalmem is greater than 512 MB for 2 cycles then restart
  if 3 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout