pass props in react typescript code example
Example 1: react typescript props
// Declare the type of the props
type CarProps = {
name: string;
brand: string;
// usage 1
const Car: React.FC<CarProps> = (props) => {
const { name, brand, price } = props;
// some logic
// usage 2
const Car: React.FC<CarProps> = ({ name, brand, price }) => {
// some logic
Example 2: react typescript pass component as prop
interface ParentCompProps {
childComp?: React.ReactNode;
const ChildComp: React.FC = () => <h2>This is a child component</h2>
const ParentComp: React.FC<ParentCompProps> = (props) => {
const { childComp } = props;
return <div>{childComp}</div>;
function App() {
return (
<ParentComp childComp={<ChildComp />} />
<ParentComp childComp={<h3>Child component 2</h3>} />
<ParentComp childComp={(
<div style={{border: '2px solid red'}}>
<h4>Child component</h4>
<p>With multiple children</p>
)} />