revert to old commit code example
Example 1: how to revert back to previous commit in git
git reset --hard 0d1d7fc32
git stash
git reset --hard 0d1d7fc32
git stash pop
Example 2: git revert all commits to pervious commit
git revert --no-commit <commithash>..HEAD
Example 3: git how to roll back to a commit
//git use a new commit to replace an old commit,commit moves foward not backward
git revert <commit hash>
//Git goes back one spot on the log,undone this commit and go backward one commit:
git reset HEAD~1
//Git looks for and rolls back to a certain file:
git checkout commit-hash-here -- file/location/and/name
Example 4: git revert to old commit
git reset --hard c14809fa
Example 5: how to revert branch to old commit
git revert --no-commit 0766c053..HEAD
git commit