rsync server backup code example

Example 1: rsync backup

The rsync command stands for Remote Synchronization.

The Linux command rsync is used to do a backup operation and fast copy file into the local system or remote system in UNIX/Linux.

rsync command examples

# rsync options source destination

$ rsync – zvr /var/www/website/   /root/tmp
$ rsync –avz /root/temp/ linuxconcept@
$ rsync –avz linuxconcept@ /root/temp

Example 2: rsync backup

we use rsync to perform the backup process in Linux/UNIX.

$ rsync –zvr /home/linuxconcept/newweb/ /var/www/linuxconcept/
$ ls –l  /home/linuxconcept/newweb/index.html  /var/www/linuxconcept/index.html
$ rsync –zva /home/linuxconcept/newweb/ /var/www/linuxconcept/
$ rsync –v /etc/ssl/linuxconcept/pubkeys /home/linuxconcept/pubkeys
$ rsync -avz  /root/temp/   linuxconcept@
$ rsync -avz  linuxconcept@   /root/temp
$ rsync -avz -e ssh  linuxconcept@  /root/temp
$ rsync -avzhe ssh –progress /home/linuxconcept  linuxconcept@
$ rsync  –avz   – -delete  linuxconcept@    .
$ rsync  –avzhe ssh  – -max-size=’400k’  /home/linuxconcept/satish/  linuxconcept@