setup laravel project locally code example

Example 1: run laravel git project

Run all of those commands:
composer install or php composer.phar install
mv .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed to run seeders, if any.
php artisan serve

Example 2: start someones laravel project

1. composer update --no-scripts  or composer install
 2. php artisan key:generate 
 3. rename example.env to .env
 4. Change database credentials, set debug mode! Change app url
 4. php artisan migrate(make sure u have the database running in the server)
 5. php artisan config:clear
 6. you are good to go!

Example 3: running a laravel app locally

Create a database locally named what ever you want utf8_general_ci
Download composer
Pull Laravel/php project from git provider.
Rename .env.example file to .envinside your project root and fill the database information. (windows wont let you do it, so you have to open your console cd your project root directory and run mv .env.example .env )
Open the console and cd your project root directory
Run composer install or php composer.phar install
Run php artisan key:generate
Run php artisan migrate
Run php artisan db:seed to run seeders, if any.
Run php artisan serve