ssh view active tunnels code example
Example 1: list of created ssh port forwarding
% sudo lsof -i -n | egrep '\<sshd\>'
sshd 15767 root 3u IPv4 147401205 TCP x.x.x.x:22->y.y.y.y:27479 (ESTABLISHED)
sshd 15842 user 3u IPv4 147401205 TCP x.x.x.x:22->y.y.y.y:27479 (ESTABLISHED)
sshd 15842 user 9u IPv4 148002889 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
sshd 1396 user 9u IPv4 148056581 TCP (LISTEN)
sshd 25936 root 3u IPv4 143971728 TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
Example 2: list of created ssh port forwarding
% sudo lsof -i -n | egrep '\<ssh\>'
ssh 19749 user 3u IPv4 148088244 TCP x.x.x.x:39689->y.y.y.y:22 (ESTABLISHED)
ssh 19749 user 4u IPv6 148088282 TCP [::1]:9090 (LISTEN)
ssh 19749 user 5u IPv4 148088283 TCP (LISTEN)