Short and long presentations in one beamer document

You can label each frame \begin{frame}[label=both] and then use

\includeonlyframes{<frame label list>}

A sample:

%\includeonlyframes{title,both,short1,both1}      %% for short
\includeonlyframes{title,both,long1,long2,both1}  %% for long


\begin{frame}[label=both]{Issue 1} % both

\begin{frame}[label=short1]{Issue 2 - the gist of it} % only short
short 1

\begin{frame}[label=long1]{Issue 2 - the detailed version } % only long
long 1

\begin{frame}[label=long2]{Issue 2 - the detailed version, contd.} % only long
long 2

\begin{frame}[label=both1]{Issue 3} % both
both 1

% etc.


You could use the environ package to create a new lvframe environment for frames that will appear in the "long version" of the presentation. The frame environment would be used for those in both. A boolean could then be used to switch between the two:


\newif\iflongversion \longversiontrue%change to \longversiontrue to include the frames in the long version



\begin{frame}{Issue 1} % both 

\begin{frame}{Issue 2 - the gist of it} % only short 

\begin{lvframe}{Issue 2 - the detailed version }{} % only long

\begin{lvframe}{Issue 2 - the detailed version, contd.}{} % only long

\begin{frame}{Issue 3} % both

% etc.


Change \longversionfalse to \longversiontrue to get the "long version".


The above is the corrected answer based on the comments from the OP and @MickG below. This definition should handle the most common implementations of \begin{frame}, specifically those of the form \begin{frame}[options]{title}{subtitle}. Note that {} is required if the subtitle argument is not wanted (lvframe does not have the same complex optional argument parsing of frame). Also, this will not work if <overlay> is needed.

I manage it with versions package that lets me easily include/exclude possibly many contiguous frames:

% Uncomment the following line to get the long version
% \setboolean{longversion}{true}


\begin{frame}{Issue 1} % both

  \begin{frame}{Issue 2 - the gist of it} % only short

  \begin{frame}{Issue 2 - the detailed version } % only long

  \begin{frame}{Issue 2 - the detailed version, contd.} % only long

\begin{frame}{Issue 3} % both

% etc.


