Shortcut for Replace button in "Find and Replace" dialog


As microsoft there is no keyboard shortcut as Replace Next,

You can check this url

You could simply copy your desired replacement text before starting to F3 through your source text, and hit Ctrl+V when you hit the next match as VS selects the match text for you.

It is a hack, but it works.

In visual studio 2015:

  • Ctrl+H opens the Replace dialog.
  • Ctrl+F opens the Find dialog.

Within that dialog:

  • Alt+N - Focus "Find" entry field
  • Alt+P - Focus "Replace with" entry field
  • Alt+C - Toggle Match Case
  • Alt+W - Toggle Whole Word
  • Alt+E - Toggle Regular Expressions
  • Alt+L - Open "Look In" dropdown list. Use Up/Down and Enter to select from this list:

    • Current Block
    • Selection
    • Current Document
    • All Open Documents
    • Current Project
    • Current Solution
  • Alt+R - Replace Next

  • Alt+A - Replace All

  • Esc - Dismiss dialog

For example, to replace "foo" with "bar" within the current selection:

  • Ctrl+H - Opens the Replace dialog, with focus on "Search Term".
    • Enter "foo"
  • Alt+P - Focus is now on "Replacement Term"
    • Enter "bar"
  • Alt+L, choose "Selection", press Enter.
  • Alt+W - Whole word only
  • Alt+R - Replace first term
  • Esc - Close replace dialog.