Shortcut to bring all open terminals to the front
You can press Alt+Tab to switch forward between windows and Alt+Shift+Tab to switch back between windows. This shortcut is made to work in almost all graphical operating systems. Yow can also use Super+W and arrow keys for the same purpose.
After you bring one terminal window in the front, press Alt+~ to bring all other terminal windows in the front one by one:
To automatically bring all open terminals in the front (not one by one as I described before) you will need to add a keyboard shortcut for the following script (script taken from Adobe's answer and improved considering that version of script hasn't worked for me):
if [ $# -ne 1 ];then
echo -e "Usage: `basename $0` PROGRAM_NAME\n
For example:\n\t
'`basename $0` gnome-terminal' for Terminal\n\t
'`basename $0` firefox' for Firefox\n\t
'`basename $0` chromium-browser' for Chromium\n\t..."
exit 1
pids=" $(pidof $@) "
if [ "$pids" = " " ]; then # the string " " contain two spaces
echo "There is no program named '$@' opened at the moment."
exit 1
wmctrl -lp | while read identity desktop_number PID window_title; do
if [ "${pids/ $PID }" != "$pids" ]; then
wmctrl -ia $identity
Don't forget to make the script executable:
chmod +x /path/to/script/script_name
After you test the script in terminal, you must to see:
- How can I change what keys on my keyboard do? (How can I create custom keyboard commands/shortcuts?)
Here's a small bash script which brings all the windows whose title matches ARG to the front:
bring-all-windows.bash ARG
The script:
wmctrl -l | while read Window; do
if [[ "$Window" == *"$Program"* ]]; then
echo "DEBUG: I bring $Window"
code=`echo "$Window" | cut -f 1 -d " "`
wmctrl -i -a $code
You can bind
bring-all-windows.bash Terminal
to a hotkey (don't forget to put the script in a login shell PATH, or write a full path to it).
The script requires wmctrl
to be installed.
To run something from the terminal, navigate to the dir where you put the script, then
chmod +x bring-all-windows.bash
./bring-all-windows.bash Terminal
When you're sure it works from the terminal, try to bind it to a hotkey, giving the full path. When you're sure it works with a hotkey and the full path to the script, then try adding it's dir to the login shell PATH, and see if it works that way.