Shortest Addition Chain

Haskell, 57 bytes

f n=[x|x<-c,last x==n]!!0

A brute force solution. Try it online!


The infinite list c contains all addition chains, ordered by length. It is defined inductively in terms of itself, by taking a list x from c and two elements from x, and appending their sum to x. The function f finds the first list in c that ends with the desired number.

c=            -- c is the list of lists
 [1]:         -- containing [1] and
 [x           -- each list x
  ++[a+b]     -- extended with a+b
 |x<-c,       -- where x is drawn from c,
  a<-x,       -- a is drawn from x and
  b<-x]       -- b is drawn from x.
f n=          -- f on input n is:
 [x           -- take list of those lists x
 |x<-c,       -- where x is drawn from c and
  last x==n]  -- x ends with n,
 !!0          -- return its first element.

Brachylog, 14 bytes


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A brute-force submission that builds all possible addition chains using iterative deepening, stopping when a chain containing its right argument is found. Unlike most Brachylog submissions, this is a function submission that inputs via its right argument (conventionally called the Output) and outputs via its left argument (conventionally called the Input); doing this is somewhat controversial, but the highest-voted meta answer on the subject says it's legal (and doing so is consistent with our normal I/O defaults for functions). If we used the input and output in a more conventional way, this would be 16 bytes (∧≜;1{j⊇Ċ+}ᵃ⁽.∋?∧), because the right-hand side of the program would not be able to make use of the implicit constraint (thus would need that disabled, and a new explicit constraint given, at a cost of 2 bytes).


∧               Disable implicit constraint to read the left argument
 ≜;        ⁽    Evaluation order hint: minimize number of iterations
    {    }ᵃ     Repeatedly run the following:
   1      ᵃ       From {1 on the first iteration, results seen so far otherwise}
     j            Make {two} copies of each list element
      ⊇           Find a subset of the elements
       Ċ          which has size 2
        +         and which sums to {the new result for the next iteration}
             ∋    If the list of results seen so far contains {the right argument}
            ?     Output it via the left argument {then terminate}

An interesting subtlety here is what happens on the first iteration, where the input is a number rather than a list like on the other iterations; we start with the number 1, make two copies of every digit (making the number 11), then find a 2-digit subsequence of it (also the number 11). Then we take its digit sum, which is 2, and as such the sequence starts [1,2] like we want. On future iterations, we're starting with a list like [1,2], doubling it to [1,2,1,2], then taking a two-element subsequence ([1,1], [1,2], [2,1], or [2,2]); clearly, the sums of each of these will be valid next elements of the addition chain.

It's a little frustrating here that the evaluation order hint is needed here, especially the component (it appears that takes its evaluation order hint from inside rather than outside by default, thus the rather crude use of in order to force the issue).

PHP, 195 Bytes

function p($a){global$argn,$r;if(!$r||$a<$r)if(end($a)==$argn)$r=$a;else foreach($a as$x)foreach($a as$y)in_array($w=$x+$y,$a)||$w>$argn||$w<=max($a)?:p(array_merge($a,[$w]));}p([1]);print_r($r);

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