Should I throw exceptions in an if-else block?

if you are throwing the exception from the method then why bother catching it ? it's either you return a response with "xxxx" message or throw an exception for the caller of this method to handle it.

public Response getABC(Request requst) {
    Response res = new Response();
        if(request.someProperty == 1){
            //business logic
    return res;


public Response getABC(Request requst) throw Excetpions {
    Response res = new Response();
        if(request.someProperty == 1){
            //business logic
           throw new Exception("xxxx");
    return res;

public void someMethod(Request request) {
    try {
        Response r = getABC(request);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //LOG exception or return response with error message
        Response response = new Response();
        retunr response;


It makes no sense to throw an exception in a try block and immediately catch it, unless the catch block throws a different exception.

Your code would make more sense this way:

public Response getABC(Request request) {
    Response res = new Response();
    if (request.someProperty == 1) {
        // business logic
    } else {
    return res;

You only need the try-catch block if your business logic (executed when the condition is true) may throw exceptions.

If you don't catch the exception (which means the caller will have to handle it), you can do without the else clause:

public Response getABC(Request request) throws Exception {
    if (request.someProperty != 1) {
        throw new Exception("xxxx");

    Response res = new Response();
    // business logic
    return res;