Should I use Angular Material or Bootstrap Material for my Angular 6 app?

This is an interesting question, but I think it is above all a matter of taste and personal use.

I consider Bootstrap is modern and Material is elegant, but those are my personal view.

As for use, I find Bootstrap more easily customizable and complete.

I also point out other libraries more or less similar, I got along well with NgBootstrap for Angular:


If you are going to use Angular, definitely Angular Material. When it started it was the Material Design implementation for Angular. As of Angular 6, the Angular team have integrated it into the release train for Angular.

You will find the release notes for Angular talk about new features in core along wither Angular Material. Angular Material is also integrated into the Angular CLI to make it even easier to use and to upgrade (ng update). Additionally, when you look for examples, you will find many more Angular Material tutorials and resources than Material Design for Bootstrap.

When I started using it over a year and a half ago, it was just another project. Today, I wouldn't go with any other framework since it's so integrated.

Angular Material together with flex layout - is a very good choice.

  • it works very well together with Angular-6
  • no cost - MIT License
  • many free icons (without troubles to integrate it)
  • very good documentation
  • great community

I have tried it with bootstrap too - that works, but I had had some troubles to integrate it together.