Should methods in a Java interface be declared with or without a public access modifier?

The JLS makes this clear:

It is permitted, but discouraged as a matter of style, to redundantly specify the public and/or abstract modifier for a method declared in an interface.

The public modifier should be omitted in Java interfaces (in my opinion).

Since it does not add any extra information, it just draws attention away from the important stuff.

Most style-guides will recommend that you leave it out, but of course, the most important thing is to be consistent across your codebase, and especially for each interface. The following example could easily confuse someone, who is not 100% fluent in Java:

public interface Foo{
  public void MakeFoo();
  void PerformBar();

Despite the fact that this question has been asked long time ago but I feel a comprehensive description would clarify why there is no need to use public abstract before methods and public static final before constants of an interface.

First of all Interfaces are used to specify common methods for a set of unrelated classes for which every class will have a unique implementation. Therefore it is not possible to specify the access modifier as private since it cannot be accessed by other classes to be overridden.

Second, Although one can initiate objects of an interface type but an interface is realized by the classes which implement it and not inherited. And since an interface might be implemented (realized) by different unrelated classes which are not in the same package therefore protected access modifier is not valid as well. So for the access modifier we are only left with public choice.

Third, an interface does not have any data implementation including the instance variables and methods. If there is logical reason to insert implemented methods or instance variables in an interface then it must be a superclass in an inheritance hierarchy and not an interface. Considering this fact, since no method can be implemented in an interface therefore all the methods in interface must be abstract.

Fourth, Interface can only include constant as its data members which means they must be final and of course final constants are declared as static to keep only one instance of them. Therefore static final also is a must for interface constants.

So in conclusion although using public abstract before methods and public static final before constants of an interface is valid but since there is no other options it is considered redundant and not used.