Show Enum Description Instead of Name

If you keep this ItemsSource you will have to define a custom ItemTemplate as the DisplayMemberPath is just a path via which you will not be able to retrieve the description.

As for what the template should look like: You can bind a TextBlock to the enum value (the current DataContext) and pipe that through a ValueConverter using Binding.Converter. The code would just be some reflection to retrieve the Description (GetType, GetCustomAttributes etc.)

Alternatives are a custom method that return a usable collection right away (and is used in the ObjectDataProvider) or a custom markup extension which does the same thing.

Method example if we are talking about a ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute:

public static class EnumUtility
    // Might want to return a named type, this is a lazy example (which does work though)
    public static object[] GetValuesAndDescriptions(Type enumType)
        var values = Enum.GetValues(enumType).Cast<object>();
        var valuesAndDescriptions = from value in values
                                    select new
                                            Value = value,
                                            Description = value.GetType()
        return valuesAndDescriptions.ToArray();
<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="Data" MethodName="GetValuesAndDescriptions"
        <x:TypeExtension TypeName="local:TestEnum" />
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource Data}}"