Show tree rings age
BBC Basic, 93 bytes
1I.r:r=r-1:F.i=-r TOr:F.j=-r TOr:p=ABS(i):q=ABS(j):IFp<q TH.p=q
2V.48-(p MOD3)*6MOD7:N.:P.:N.
The abbreviated keywords help out a lot here. In line 2, I'm using the VDU
command (equivalent to C's putchar()
) to print each character. This is a lot more efficient than P.MID$("0*+",p MOD3+1,1)
Here it is running in BeebEm3 on a Mac:
K5, 27 30 26 25 22 bytes
This approach iteratively "wraps" a core (beginning with "0"
) on all four sides using some other character ({4(|+y,)/x}
). The sequence of seasonal wrappings is determined by a modulo 3 (3!
) sequence. It's a bit fiddly to get the base case to line up just right.
This alternative builds the entire rectangular array at once from the provided exclusive range (!
) reversed and joined with itself after dropping an item (t,1_|t:|
). We then take the cartesian product maximum (u|\:u:
), take the entire matrix modulo 3 (3!
) and index into the array of characters.
In action:
CJam, 25 bytes
Test it here.
q~, e# Read input N, turn into range [0 1 ... N-1]
_1> e# Duplicate and cut off the zero.
W% e# Reverse.
\+ e# Prepend to original range to give [N-1 ... 1 0 1 ... N-1]
_ e# Duplicate
ff{ e# Nested map for each pair of elements in that array.
e> e# Take the maximum, i.e. chessboard distance from the centre.
"0*+"= e# Select the right character using cyclic indexing into this string.
N* e# Join the lines with line feeds.