Show tree rings age

BBC Basic, 93 bytes

1I.r:r=r-1:F.i=-r TOr:F.j=-r TOr:p=ABS(i):q=ABS(j):IFp<q TH.p=q
2V.48-(p MOD3)*6MOD7:N.:P.:N.

The abbreviated keywords help out a lot here. In line 2, I'm using the VDU command (equivalent to C's putchar()) to print each character. This is a lot more efficient than P.MID$("0*+",p MOD3+1,1).

Here it is running in BeebEm3 on a Mac:

enter image description here

K5, 27 30 26 25 22 bytes


This approach iteratively "wraps" a core (beginning with "0") on all four sides using some other character ({4(|+y,)/x}). The sequence of seasonal wrappings is determined by a modulo 3 (3!) sequence. It's a bit fiddly to get the base case to line up just right.



This alternative builds the entire rectangular array at once from the provided exclusive range (!) reversed and joined with itself after dropping an item (t,1_|t:|). We then take the cartesian product maximum (u|\:u:), take the entire matrix modulo 3 (3!) and index into the array of characters.

In action:




CJam, 25 bytes


Test it here.


q~,       e# Read input N, turn into range [0 1 ... N-1]
_1>       e# Duplicate and cut off the zero.
W%        e# Reverse.
\+        e# Prepend to original range to give [N-1 ... 1 0 1 ... N-1]
_         e# Duplicate
ff{       e# Nested map for each pair of elements in that array.
  e>      e# Take the maximum, i.e. chessboard distance from the centre.
  "0*+"=  e# Select the right character using cyclic indexing into this string.
N*        e# Join the lines with line feeds.