Showing planes in 3D
I apologize in advance for deleting most of the code that you show, but I really cannot understand how it relates to the question. For the time being this answer only defines a way to create blurry planes.
\tikzset{render blur shadow/.code={\pgfbs@savebb%
},render blur shadow/.default=shadowcolor,
shadow color/.code=\colorlet{shadowcolor}{#1},
blurry plane/.style={transform shape,fill=#1,shadow color=#1,rounded corners=2pt,
blur shadow={shadow blur steps=25,shadow scale=1.1,shadow opacity=100,
shadow xshift=0ex,shadow yshift=0ex,shadow blur radius=1.5ex}}}
\frametitle{Blurry planes}
\begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,line cap=round,>=stealth]
\begin{scope}[canvas is zx plane at y=0]
\path node[anchor=south west,minimum size=5cm,blurry plane=mygreen]{};
\begin{scope}[canvas is zx plane at y=3]
\path node[anchor=south west,minimum size=5cm,blurry plane=mygreen]{};
Here is a version that draws the planes through some points. It requires the 3d tools library.
\tikzset{render blur shadow/.code={\pgfbs@savebb%
},render blur shadow/.default=shadowcolor,
shadow color/.code=\colorlet{shadowcolor}{#1},
blurry plane/.style={transform shape,fill=#1,shadow color=#1,rounded corners=2pt,
blur shadow={shadow blur steps=25,shadow scale=1.1,shadow opacity=100,
shadow xshift=0ex,shadow yshift=0ex,shadow blur radius=1.5ex}}}
\tikzset{orthonormal basis vectors of plane/.code n args={3}{%
\tikzset{insert path={
(\mya) coordinate(\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/3d/projections/planex})
(\myc) coordinate(\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/3d/projections/planey})
\frametitle{Blurry planes}
\path (0,0,0) coordinate (O)
(2,-2,2) coordinate (v)
(0,2,2) coordinate (w)
(-3,5,2) coordinate(m)
[3d coordinate={(v')=(v)+(m)},
3d coordinate={(w')=(w)+(m)}];
\path[orthonormal basis vectors of plane={O}{v}{w}];
\begin{scope}[x={(planex)},y={(planey)},canvas is xy plane at z=0,
transform shape]
\path node[anchor=south west,minimum width=3cm,minimum height=9cm,
blurry plane=mygreen]{}
(m) node[anchor=south west,minimum width=3cm,minimum height=9cm,
blurry plane=mygreen]{};