SignalR dispose of HubConnection

It's not necessary if you are calling Stop().


otherwise, you should always Dispose of IDisposable objects when you are done using them.

If it is taking too long (i.e., blocking the current thread), just stop it on a Task, something like:


What do you mean by it takes too much time? Can you detail? Are you getting timeout exception?

From the book C# 5.0 in a Nutshell:

A safe rule to follow (in nearly all cases) is “if in doubt, dispose.” A disposable object —if it could talk—would say the following:

When you’ve finished with me, let me know. If simply abandoned, I might cause trouble for other object instances, the application domain, the computer, the network, or the database!

I would say dispose if it's not a dealbreaker. Also might be useful to find out what takes so long time there.