Simple Line in LaTeX Help!
If you wish to produce such animated gifs, you may want to compile
\foreach \X in {180,175,...,90}
\draw (0,0) circle (10cm);
\draw[line width=0.15cm, blue] (10,0) arc (0:360:10) ;
\draw[-] (-12,0) -- (12,0) node[right] {$x$};
\draw[-] (0,-12) -- (0,12) node[above] {$y$};
\draw[line width=0.15cm,red,{Circle}-{Circle},shorten >=-2*\pgflinewidth,shorten
<=-2*\pgflinewidth] (10,0) -- ++(\X:10);
\node[scale=15.5, red, right, opacity=0.5] at (2,2) {r};
with pdflatex
and then convert the resulting pdf with
convert -density 300 -delay 34 -loop 0 -alpha remove outfile.pdf ani.gif
to get
When you attempt to patch several of those together, you want to define some command which behaves similarly as the beamer command \only
\foreach \X in {0,1,...,\Xmax}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[fat line/.style={line width=0.15cm,red,{Circle}-{Circle},shorten >=-2*\pgflinewidth,shorten
<=-2*\pgflinewidth},cc/.style={line width=0.15cm,
\draw[-] (-12,0) -- (12,0) node[right] {$x$};
\draw[-] (0,-12) -- (0,12) node[above] {$y$};
\draw[fat line] (0,0) -- (2*\X,0);
\draw[fat line] (0,0) -- (10,0) node[midway,above,annot,red]{$r$};
\draw[cc] (10,0) arc[start angle=0,end angle={\DeltaX*24},radius=10];
\draw[fat line] (0,0) -- ({\DeltaX*24}:10);
\draw[cc] circle[radius=10cm];
\Only<26-35>{\draw[fat line] (10,0) -- ++ ({180-\DeltaX*9}:10);}
\Only<36-45>{\draw[fat line] (10,0) arc(0:{18*\DeltaX/pi}:10) -- ++
\draw [fill=green!70!black,fill opacity=0.2] (0,0) -- (3,0)
node[green!70!black,below,annot,opacity=1]{rad} arc[start angle=0,
end angle={180/pi},radius=3] -- cycle;
\draw[cc,green!70!black] (10,0) -- (0,0)
-- ({180/pi}:10);
A PSTricks solution only for fun purposes.
\rput{#1}(4;#1){\psline(!0 1 #1 sub 4 mul)}
\foreach \i in {0,0.1,...,1.0}{\obj{\i}}