Simple MultiThread Safe Log Class

No, you're creating a new lock object every time the method is called. If you want to ensure that only one thread at a time can execute the code in that function, then move locker out of the function, either to an instance or a static member. If this class is instantiated every time an entry is to be written, then locker should probably be static.

public class Logging
    public Logging()

    private static readonly object locker = new object();

    public void WriteToLog(string message)
            StreamWriter SW;

Here is a sample for a Log implemented with the Producer/Consumer pattern (with .Net 4) using a BlockingCollection. The interface is :

namespace Log
    public interface ILogger
        void WriteLine(string msg);
        void WriteError(string errorMsg);
        void WriteError(string errorObject, string errorAction, string errorMsg);
        void WriteWarning(string errorObject, string errorAction, string errorMsg);

and the full class code is here :

using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Log
    // Reentrant Logger written with Producer/Consumer pattern.
    // It creates a thread that receives write commands through a Queue (a BlockingCollection).
    // The user of this log has just to call Logger.WriteLine() and the log is transparently written asynchronously.

    public class Logger : ILogger
        BlockingCollection<Param> bc = new BlockingCollection<Param>();

        // Constructor create the thread that wait for work on .GetConsumingEnumerable()
        public Logger()
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        foreach (Param p in bc.GetConsumingEnumerable())
                            switch (p.Ltype)
                                case Log.Param.LogType.Info:
                                    const string LINE_MSG = "[{0}] {1}";
                                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format(LINE_MSG, LogTimeStamp(), p.Msg));
                                case Log.Param.LogType.Warning:
                                    const string WARNING_MSG = "[{3}] * Warning {0} (Action {1} on {2})";
                                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format(WARNING_MSG, p.Msg, p.Action, p.Obj, LogTimeStamp()));
                                case Log.Param.LogType.Error:
                                    const string ERROR_MSG = "[{3}] *** Error {0} (Action {1} on {2})";
                                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format(ERROR_MSG, p.Msg, p.Action, p.Obj, LogTimeStamp()));
                                case Log.Param.LogType.SimpleError:
                                    const string ERROR_MSG_SIMPLE = "[{0}] *** Error {1}";
                                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format(ERROR_MSG_SIMPLE, LogTimeStamp(), p.Msg));
                                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format(LINE_MSG, LogTimeStamp(), p.Msg));

            // Free the writing thread

        // Just call this method to log something (it will return quickly because it just queue the work with bc.Add(p))
        public void WriteLine(string msg)
            Param p = new Param(Log.Param.LogType.Info, msg);

        public void WriteError(string errorMsg)
            Param p = new Param(Log.Param.LogType.SimpleError, errorMsg);

        public void WriteError(string errorObject, string errorAction, string errorMsg)
            Param p = new Param(Log.Param.LogType.Error, errorMsg, errorAction, errorObject);

        public void WriteWarning(string errorObject, string errorAction, string errorMsg)
            Param p = new Param(Log.Param.LogType.Warning, errorMsg, errorAction, errorObject);

        string LogTimeStamp()
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            return now.ToShortTimeString();


In this sample, the internal Param class used to pass information to the writing thread through the BlockingCollection is :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Log
    internal class Param
        internal enum LogType { Info, Warning, Error, SimpleError };

        internal LogType Ltype { get; set; }  // Type of log
        internal string Msg { get; set; }     // Message
        internal string Action { get; set; }  // Action when error or warning occurs (optional)
        internal string Obj { get; set; }     // Object that was processed whend error or warning occurs (optional)

        internal Param()
            Ltype = LogType.Info;
            Msg = "";
        internal Param(LogType logType, string logMsg)
            Ltype = logType;
            Msg = logMsg;
        internal Param(LogType logType, string logMsg, string logAction, string logObj)
            Ltype = logType;
            Msg = logMsg;
            Action = logAction;
            Obj = logObj;

