Simplifying multiple \foreach loops

Find the pattern, and use nested loops.

\frametitle{Spiro using loop}
\vskip -.6cm
  \foreach \i in {0,.2,.4,...,1.8} {
      \draw [
        line width=.2cm,color/.expanded=blue!\firstcolor!white,
        fill/.expanded=blue!\secondcolor!white, looseness=1
      ] (0,-2.2+\i) foreach \X in {0,90,180,270} {
        [rotate=\X] -- (0,-2.2+\i) to [out=0,in=-120] ++ (0.2,0.1) to 
        [out=60,in=-150] ++ (1.9-\i,1.9-\i) to [out=30,in=-90] ++ (0.1,0.2)
      } -- cycle;

enter image description here

You can get this effect also with scale. It does not match your picture precisely, but that's on purpose because I think the arcs of the effective corners are also to be scaled.

 \draw[line width=.1cm,looseness=1,pic actions]
  (0,-2) foreach \X in {0,90,180,270}
  {[rotate=\X] -- (0,-2) to[out=0,in=-120] ++ (0.2,0.1) to[out=60,in=-150] ++ (1.7,1.7)
  to[out=30,in=-90] ++ (0.1,0.2)} -- cycle;}}]
\foreach \X in {100,90,...,0}

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf