Simulate display: inline in React Native

You can get this effect by wrapping text elements in other text elements the way you would wrap a span in a div or another element:

  <Text><Text>This writing should fill most of the container </Text><Text>This writing should fill most of the container</Text></Text>       

You can also get this effect by declaring a flexDirection:'row' property on the parent along with a flexWrap: 'wrap'. The children will then display inline:

<View style={{flexDirection:'row', flexWrap:'wrap'}}>

Check out this example.

You can only nest text nodes without using flex to get the desired effect. Like this:

<Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>
  I am bold
  <Text style={{color: 'red'}}>
    and red

I haven't found a proper way to inline text blocks with other content. Our current "hackish" workaround is to split every single word in a text string into its own block so flexWrap wraps properly for each word.