Simulate MATLAB's meshgrid function
(Update, added more points, and more timings)
Using MATLAB's help standard example for meshgrid:
Mathematica implementation
meshgrid[x_List, y_List]:={ConstantArray[x,Length[x]],Transpose@ConstantArray[y,Length[y]]}
{xx, yy} = meshgrid[Range[-2, 2, .1], Range[-4, 4, .2]];
c = xx*Exp[-xx^2 - yy^2];
pts = Flatten[{xx, yy, c}, {2, 3}];
ListPlot3D[pts, PlotRange -> All, AxesLabel -> Automatic,
ImagePadding -> 20, Mesh -> 35, InterpolationOrder -> 2,
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", Boxed -> False]
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-2:.1:2, -4:.2:4);
Z = X .* exp(-X.^2 - Y.^2);
MATLAB timing was done using this template code by changing the grid spacing, as an example for the code that generate the above plot:
tic; [X,Y] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2, -4:.4:4); toc
Mathematica was done on this template
{xx, yy} = meshgrid[Range[-2, 2, .2], Range[-4, 4, .4]];
Table of timings
The timing were done for different grid sizes as in (.2,.4) pairs in the above example and using Mathematica 9.01 and MATLAB 2012a, all on Windows 7. I could not do smaller grids than shown in the table below, else I ran out of memory. All times are in seconds. Same PC. 16 GB RAM, Intel Core i7
Mathematica's above implementation of meshgrid using ConstantArray
seems to be a little slower as the number of grid points increased. A faster implementation should be investigated.
Another way to define meshgrid()
in Mathematica is:
meshgrid[xgrid_List, ygrid_List] := Transpose[Outer[List, xgrid, ygrid], {3, 2, 1}]
It's definitely not winning the speed competition (about 10x slower than rm -rf's solution), but speaks more for Mathematica's language, which allows neat and concise definitions like this.
Regarding speed, in your particular example you can do the squaring before the repetition via ConstantArray
, loose the superfluous N
in the computation of c
and use Count
instead of Position[...]\\Length
to save computation time.
({a, b} = {#, Transpose@#} &@ConstantArray[N@Range@3000, {3000}];
c = a^2 + b^2 // N // Sqrt;
Compile[{}, Position[Unitize@FractionalPart@c, 0]][] //Length) // AbsoluteTiming
(* {0.698965,7388} *)
({asq, bsq} = {#, Transpose@#} &@ ConstantArray[N[Range[3000]]^2, {3000}];
c = Sqrt[asq + bsq];
Compile[{}, Count[Unitize@FractionalPart@c, 0, 2]][]) // AbsoluteTiming
(* {0.396491,7388} *)
's functionality is easily handled by ConstantArray
. For the example you provided (i.e. meshgrid
called with a single vector),
{a, b} = {#, Transpose@#}&@ConstantArray[N@Range@3000, {3000}]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {0.068030, Null} *)
You can easily extend it to handle the two argument case by calling ConstantArray
for each list (x
and y
) and using the length of the other list as the number of repetitions, which I'll leave for you to implement.