Sinon error Attempted to wrap function which is already wrapped

This error is due to not restoring the stub function properly. Use sandbox and then create the stub using the sandbox. After each test inside the suite, restore the sandbox

  beforeEach(() => {
      sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
      mockObj = sandbox.stub(testApp, 'getObj', fake_function)

  afterEach(() => {

For cases where you need to restore all the methods of one object, you can use the sinon.restore(obj).


before(() => {
    userRepositoryMock = sinon.stub(userRepository);

after(() => {

I was also hitting this using the before() and after() hooks of Mocha. I was also using the restore() as mentioned everywhere. Single test file ran fine, multiple did not. Finally found about Mocha root-level-hooks: I did not have my before() and after() inside my own describe(). So it finds all files with before() at the root-level and executes those before starting any tests.

So make sure you have a similar pattern:

describe('my own describe', () => {
  before(() => {
    // setup stub code here
    sinon.stub(myObj, 'myFunc').callsFake(() => {
      return 'bla';
  after(() => {
  it('Do some testing now', () => {

You should restore the getObj in after() function, please try it as below.

describe('App Functions', function(){
    var mockObj;
    before(function () {
            mockObj = sinon.stub(testApp, 'getObj', () => {
                 console.log('this is sinon test 1111');

    after(function () {
        testApp.getObj.restore(); // Unwraps the spy

    it('get results',function(done) {

describe('App Errors', function(){
    var mockObj;
    before(function () {
            mockObj = sinon.stub(testApp, 'getObj', () => {
                 console.log('this is sinon test 1111');

    after( function () {
        testApp.getObj.restore(); // Unwraps the spy

    it('throws errors',function(done) {

Update 2022/01/22

Using sinon's sanbox you could created stub mocks with sandbox.stub() and restores all fakes created through sandbox.restore(), Arjun Malik give an good example


