SIunitx error when using lighter weight

Provide a definition for the missing command:

 mode = math, % Same error if mode = text is used
 detect-all, % When, uncommented, the error described below occurs
 %detect-weight,  % When, uncommented, the error described below occurs


This is the weight and family of text desired but when siunitx shows heavier weight: \SI{75}{\micro\metre}

You need to load siunitx with the option detect-mode. (Please see the bottom of p. 17 and the top of p. 18 of the user guide of the siunitx package for the differences between detect-mode, detect-weight, etc.)

enter image description here

\usepackage{geometry} % optional
\sisetup{ mode = math , detect-mode }  

This is the weight and family of text desired. siunitx now shows the correct, i.e, thin weight: \SI{75}{\micro\metre}


