Skip or Disable validation for mongoose model save() call

You can have multiple models that use the same collection, so create a second model without the required field constraints for use with CSV import:

var rawProduct = mongoose.model("RawProduct", Schema({
    name: String,
    price: Number
}), 'products');

The third parameter to model provides an explicit collection name, allowing you to have this model also use the products collection.

This is supported since v4.4.2:{ validateBeforeSave: false });

Though there may be a way to disable validation that I am not aware of one of your options is to use methods that do not use middleware (and hence no validation). One of these is insert which accesses the Mongo driver directly.

  item: "ABC1",
  details: {
    model: "14Q3",
    manufacturer: "XYZ Company"

}, function(err, doc) {