SLURM: see how many cores per node, and how many cores per job

in order to see the details of all the nodes you can use:

scontrol show node

For an specific node:

scontrol show node "nodename"

And for the cores of job you can use the format mark %C, for instance:

squeue -o"%.7i %.9P %.8j %.8u %.2t %.10M %.6D %C"

More info about format.

You can get most information about the nodes in the cluster with the sinfo command, for instance with:

sinfo --Node --long

you will get condensed information about, a.o., the partition, node state, number of sockets, cores, threads, memory, disk and features. It is slightly easier to read than the output of scontrol show nodes.

As for the number of CPUs for each job, see @Sergio Iserte's answer.

See the manpage here.

