SoftReference gets garbage collected too early

From Android Training site:

In the past, a popular memory cache implementation was a SoftReference or WeakReference bitmap cache, however this is not recommended. Starting from Android 2.3 (API Level 9) the garbage collector is more aggressive with collecting soft/weak references which makes them fairly ineffective. In addition, prior to Android 3.0 (API Level 11), the backing data of a bitmap was stored in native memory which is not released in a predictable manner, potentially causing an application to briefly exceed its memory limits and crash.

More information in link.

We shoud use LruCache instead.

Gamlor's answer is correct in your situtation. However, for additional information, see the GC FAQ, question 32.

The Java HotSpot Server VM uses the maximum possible heap size (as set by the -Xmx option) to calculate free space remaining.

The Java HotSpot Client VM uses the current heap size to calculate the free space.

This means that the general tendency is for the Server VM to grow the heap rather than flush soft references, and -Xmx therefore has a significant effect on when soft references are garbage collected.

Cache each image on persistent storage instead of just in memory.

SoftReference are the poor mans Cache. The JVM can hold those reference alive longer, but doesn't have to. As soon as there's no hard reference anymore, the JVM can garbage collect a the soft-referenced Object. The behavior of the JVM you're experiencing is correct, since the JVM doesn't have to hold such object longer around. Of course most JVMs try to keep the soft reference object alive to some degree.

Therefore SoftReferences are kind of a dangerous cache. If you really want to ensure a caching-behavior, you need a real cache. Like a LRU-cache. Especially if you're caching is performance-critical, you should use a proper cache.