Some Magento tables are not InnoDB, is it safe to convert all tables to InnoDB?

It is fine to change the data type to InnoDB, assuming one of the following is true:

  1. You are using MySQL 5.6.4+ where the InnoDB storage engine supports fulltext search
  2. You are not using the default Magento Search functionality which relies on underlying MyISAM fulltext search capabilities. That functionality is troublesome to begin with and the feature set provided in default Magento Search leaves a lot to be desired so I'd suggest using Lucene or Sphinx or best yet Algolia hosted search.

Personally i'd recommend doing this with the Magento DB Repair Tool to minimize risk and also check for any other DB configuration drift or problems. InnoDB is the ideal engine, it's fulltext limitations notwithstanding.

Afaik you should not convert all tables to InnoDB.

catalogsearch_fulltext should stay MyISAM, because InnoDB has no fulltext search support, at least not until MySQL 5.6 (iirc).

For all other tables, though, it should be safe.

I just changed the MySQL default engine to InnoDB and most of my Magento tables just miraculously transformed themselves to InnoDB (a few are still MyISAM and some are Memory).

Just thought I'd share this...