Something like \enumerate, but with custom numbers at each \item

You could simply use the optional Argument of \item


    \item [2.9] Foo
    \item [53.2] Bar
    \item [69.11]

I hope that’s what you wanted to do …

The genuinely insane way to do this is as follows:

  \expandafter\@wackyenum\csname c@#1\endcsname%


\item One
\item Two
\item Three

This allows you to define an arbitrary list of numbers that the the enumeration will cycle through. This has the (very minor) advantage of having the spacing behave a little better. This is basically how a lot of things are done in the moreenum package. The documentation explains the procedure.

Depending on how much "non-sequential" your numbers are, and how much you need a quick & dirty solution instead of something with polish and automatism, you might get along with \addtocounter and some ad-hoc-ery involving the enumitem package:




\item Answer % 52.2
\item Answer % 52.9

\item Answer % 53.13


With a bit more work, you could make the page number (52, 53) into a counter of its own and wrap it all into a re-useable environment definition, but I think this gives you the idea of it all.