sort dictionary by key vba code example

Example: sort dictionary by key vba

Public Function funcSortKeysByLengthDesc(dctList As Object) As Object
    Dim arrTemp() As String
    Dim curKey As Variant
    Dim itX As Integer
    Dim itY As Integer

    'Only sort if more than one item in the dict
    If dctList.Count > 1 Then

        'Populate the array
        ReDim arrTemp(dctList.Count - 1)
        itX = 0
        For Each curKey In dctList
            arrTemp(itX) = curKey
            itX = itX + 1

        'Do the sort in the array
        For itX = 0 To (dctList.Count - 2)
            For itY = (itX + 1) To (dctList.Count - 1)
                If Len(arrTemp(itX)) < Len(arrTemp(itY)) Then
                    curKey = arrTemp(itY)
                    arrTemp(itY) = arrTemp(itX)
                    arrTemp(itX) = curKey
                End If

        'Create the new dictionary
        Set funcSortKeysByLengthDesc = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        For itX = 0 To (dctList.Count - 1)
            funcSortKeysByLengthDesc.Add arrTemp(itX), dctList(arrTemp(itX))

        Set funcSortKeysByLengthDesc = dctList
    End If
End Function


Misc Example