Sort filenames naturally with Qt

Yes it is possible.

In order to do that you need to specify the flag LocaleAware when constructing the QDir. object. The constructor is

 QDir(const QString & path, const QString & nameFilter, SortFlags sort = SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ), Filters filters = AllEntries)

You can also use

QDir dir;

If you want to use QCollator to sort entries from the list of entries returned by QDir::entryList, you can sort the result with std::sort():

dir.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks);
dir.setSorting(QDir::NoSort);  // will sort manually with std::sort

auto entryList = dir.entryList();

QCollator collator;

    [&](const QString &file1, const QString &file2)
        return, file2) < 0;

According to The Badger's comment, QCollator can also be used directly as an argument to std::sort, replacing the lambda, so the call to std::sort becomes:

std::sort(entryList.begin(), entryList.end(), collator);

Qt didn't have natural sort implementation until Qt 5.2, see this feature request.

Since Qt 5.2 there is QCollator which allows natural sort when numeric mode is enabled.