sort rows in 'VI' editor



It will sort according the whole line alphabetically. If you want to sort numerically (i.e. the number in the first column can have different widt), then try:

:%!sort -n

Don't worry about the =, it will not modify any line, it will just change their order.

You can do the following to see the sorted output:

:!sort %


  • : : to enter ex mode.
  • ! : allows you to run a shell command.
  • % : the name of the file currently open.

To sort the file by changing it you can redirect its output to a temp file and then copy its content back to the original file:

:!(sort %>/tmp/tmp;cp -f /tmp/tmp %)

This answer is coming 2 years late, but might still be relevant, in visual mode select the block you want to sort and run:


I'm not sure exactly when in the last eight years vi built this in, but you can now run:

:sort n

to sort numerical entries instead of using :! to run the sort command. See :help sort



Text Editor