Sortable table columns with AngularJs

Here is my solution. I also wrap the whole thing to a directive. The only dependency is UI.Bootstrap.pagination, which did a great job on pagination.

Here is the plunker

Here is the github source code.

Another very good example of making table sortable

<th ng:repeat="(i,th) in head" ng:class="selectedCls(i)" ng:click="changeSorting(i)">{{th}}</th>

scope.changeSorting = function(column) {
    var sort = scope.sort;
    if (sort.column == column) {
        sort.descending = !sort.descending;
    } else {
        sort.column = column;
        sort.descending = false;

Updated jsfiddle:

sza is right, you did forget the $scope.sort object, but you are also missing the orderBy filter in your ng-repeat


Additionally, you'll need to explicitly pass the column name to the changeSorting() function, like


not sure if there is a different way you can handle this.

Finally, ng-click is the correct syntax for the version of AngularJS you are using.