sorting a ruby array of objects by an attribute that could be nil

How about in Child defining <=> to be based on category.position if category exists, and sorting items without a category as always greater than those with a category?

class Child
  # Not strictly necessary, but will define other comparisons based on <=>
  include Comparable   
  def <=> other
    return 0 if !category && !other.category
    return 1 if !category
    return -1 if !other.category
    category.position <=> other.category.position

Then in Parent you can just call children.sort.

To be fair, I'm not very familiar with Ruby, so take this as more of an algorithm idea rather than a code one... and rewrite the ?: operator as whatever Ruby has that's cleaner.

Can't you just check for nil in the comparison:

class Parent
  def sorted_children
     children.sort{|a,b|( a and b ) ? a <=> b : ( a ? -1 : 1 ) }

Edited to use Glenra's code, which implements the same thing as mine but in a smaller (and probably easier to read) amount of code.

I would just tweak your sort to put nil items last. Try something like this.

foo = [nil, -3, 100, 4, 6, nil, 4, nil, 23]

foo.sort { |a,b| a && b ? a <=> b : a ? -1 : 1 }

=> [-3, 4, 4, 6, 23, 100, nil, nil, nil]

That says: if a and b are both non-nil sort them normally but if one of them is nil, return a status that sorts that one larger.

I handle these kinds of things like this:

 children.sort_by {|child| [child.position ? 0 : 1,child.position || 0]}