Sorting in bash


cut -f <col_num> <filename>
    | sort 
    | uniq -c
    | sort -r -k1 -n
    | awk '{print $2" "$1}'

The sort -r -k1 -n sorts in reverse order, using the first field as a numeric value. The awk simply reverses the order of the columns. You can test the added pipeline commands thus (with nicer formatting):

pax> echo '105 Linux
55  MacOS
500 Windows' | sort -r -k1 -n | awk '{printf "%-10s %5d\n",$2,$1}'
Windows      500
Linux        105
MacOS         55


cut -f <column_number> <filename> | sort | uniq -c | awk '{ print $2" "$1}' | sort

This will alter the column order (awk) and then just sort the output.

Hope this will help you