Sorting nested collection in projection: Unable to cast object of type 'SortOp' to type 'ProjectOp'

This is a bug in EF. I was able to repro this on both EF5 and EF6. I think you should be able to workaround the bug by filtering records before creating the results i.e.:

return someQueryable
    .Where(version => version.Order.AlgoVersions.Any(v => (allowUncommittedVersions || v.Statuses.Any(s => s.AlgoVersionStatusListItemId == ModelConstants.AlgoVersionCommitted_StatusId)) && v.Id != version.Id))
    .Select(version => new AlgoVersionCacheItem
            OrderId = version.OrderId,
            OrderTitle = version.Order.Title,
                CurrentVersion = version.Order.CurrentAlgoVersionId,
                CachedVersion = version.Id,
                AvailableVersions = version
                    .Where(v => (allowUncommittedVersions || v.Statuses.Any(s => s.AlgoVersionStatusListItemId == ModelConstants.AlgoVersionCommitted_StatusId)) && v.Id != version.Id)
                    .OrderByDescending(v => v.Id) // this line will cause exception
                    .Select(v => v.Id)
    .OrderByDescending(item => item.OrderId)

I also have a feeling that this query could be simplified if you go from the other side of relationship (i.e. from Orders) but it may depend on how the someQueryable is created.