Spacing in `alignat' and `alignedat'
The code {}+{}
works because it adds empty atoms at either side of the operation, ensuring correct spacing.
However, you can input more easily this formula with array
\setlength{\arraycolsep}{0pt}% no padding
\begin{array}{ l B l B l B l B l }
b_{1,1} x_2 & + & b_{1,2} x_2 & + & \cdots & + & b_{1,9} x_9 & = & c_1 \\
b_{2,1} x_2 & + & b_{2,2} x_2 & + & \cdots & + & b_{2,9} x_9 & = & c_2 \\
& \vdots && \vdots && \vdots && \vdots \\
b_{9,1} x_2 & + & b_{9,2} x_2 & + & \cdots & + & b_{9,9} x_9 & = & c_9
Here the {}+{}
trick is used as well, but hidden in the temporary column type B
(for Binary).
You don't need so many alignment points. Actually, the number of alignment points essentially depends on the number of vertical dots you want to align. I give two possibilities, with 4 or 2 alignment points (7 or 3 ampersands). The alignment itself uses the \vdotswithin
command, from mathtools
, and the braces come from the empheq
package (which loads mathtools). You don't need an alignedat
environment nested in an equation*
, alignat*
will do the job.
\begin{alignat*}{4}[left =\empheqlbrace]
b_{1,1} x_2 &{}+ {}& b_{1,2} x_2 &{} + ⋯ +{} & b_{1,9} x_9 & ={} & c_1 \\
b_{2,1} x_2 &{}+{} & b_{2,2} x_2 &{} + ⋯ + {}& b_{2,9} x_9 & = & c_2 \\[-1.5ex]
\vdotswithin{b_{2,1} x_2}&& \vdotswithin{b_{2,2} x_2} && \vdotswithin{b_{2,9} x_9 } &&\vdotswithin{c_2} \\[-1ex]
b_{9,1} x_2 &{}+ {}& b_{9,2} x_2 &{} + ⋯ + {}& b_{9,9} x_9 & = & c_9
\begin{alignat*}{2}[left =\empheqlbrace]
b_{1,1} x_2 &{}+ b_{1,2} x_2 + ⋯ + b_{1,9} x_9 & ={} & c_1 \\
b_{2,1} x_2 &{}+ b_{2,2} x_2 + ⋯ + b_{2,9} x_9 & = {}& c_2 \\[-1.5ex]
\vdotswithin{b_{2,1} x_2} && \vdotswithin{ = {}} \\[-1ex]
b_{9,1} x_2 &{}+ b_{9,2} x_2 + ⋯ + b_{9,9} x_9 & = {}& c_9