Spanish characters in Android Studio

You can solve this problem by using Unicode Characters:

Just replace the Number by the respective char you need:

For Example:

¿ = \u00BF
ñ = \u0148 
á = \u0227
é = \u00E9

Hope this is what u needed ;)

Instead of having to replace every accent with Unicode character to comply with the project setting of UTF-8, just simply add this line to the Module App Build Grade within android node:

android {

compileOptions.encoding "ISO-8859-1" // For Spanish [Otherwise strange accents]

Then you don't have to modify any of the existing data that you have written and you can keep those strange Spanish characters!

Hey I got the solution

String strJunk = "Atrévete a Soñar";

byte[] arrByteForSpanish = strJunk.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");

String strSpanish = new String(arrByteForSpanish);

I did this and now I am getting Spanish characters correctly instead of junk characters.