Specify rules for 2D cellular automaton?

The example where $A = C$ and $B = D$ can be achieved using GrowthSurvivalCases option of CellularAutomata (as of Mathematica 11.1, I believe):

init = CenterArray[{30, 30}];

res = CellularAutomaton[<|
    "Dimension" -> 2,
    "GrowthSurvivalCases" -> {
      {1, 3, 5, 7},
      {1, 3, 5, 7}
      }|>, init, 15];

Partition[ArrayPlot /@ res, 3] // Grid

Mathematica graphics

The following code worked for me:

a = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8};
b = {1, 3, 5, 7};
c = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8};
d = {1, 3, 5, 7};
 Row[{cell3 = CellularAutomaton[{
          Mod[Total[# - #[[2, 2]], \[Infinity]], 2]] \[And] #[[2, 
       2]] == 0, 0,
      Mod[Total[# - #[[2, 2]], \[Infinity]], 2]] \[And] #[[2, 
       2]] == 0, 1,
      Mod[Total[# - #[[2, 2]], \[Infinity]], 2]] \[And] #[[2, 
       2]] == 1, 0,
      Mod[Total[# - #[[2, 2]], \[Infinity]], 2]] \[And] #[[2, 
       2]] == 1, 1
    ] &,
  {}, {1, 1}}, {{{1}}, 0}, {{{i}}}],
ArrayPlot[cell3, ImageSize -> 300, Mesh -> True, 
MeshStyle -> Red]}],
{i, 0, 10, 1}]

Cellular automata with Manipulate function.

It's a bit clumsy as this is my first time working with cellular automata but I think it works. I may not be understanding the math behind the automata correctly, but I'm not sure if the "GrowthSurvivalCases" option will get you exactly what you want if we have $A \neq C$ and $B \neq D$.

The documentation states:

With "GrowthSurvivalCases"->{{Subscript[g, 1],[Ellipsis]},{Subscript[s, 1],[Ellipsis]}}, a cell goes from value 0 to value 1 if it has Subscript[g, i] neighbors that are 1, maintains value 1 if it has Subscript[s, i] neighbors that are 1, and otherwise gets value 0.

In this case, the $g_i$ correspond to $B$ and the $s_i$ correspond to $D$, but regardless of whether a cell was previously dead or alive, it will be switched to dead if the number is not listed in $B$ or $D$, which is why I used the Which to test all 4 cases instead.