Speed of neutrinos
Your question is equivalent to asking what the absolute mass of the neutrinos is, and the answer is currently unknown. We do have decent values for the differences of the squared masses for all three required neutrino states (one pair separated by about $7.7 \times 10^{-5}\text{ eV}^2$, and another one standing off from them by about $\pm 2.4 \times 10^{-3}\text{ eV}^2$ (but note the sign ambiguity a problem known as the mass hierarchy question)). This puts a lower bound on the mass of the most massive state at about $0.05\text{ eV}$, but puts no non-trivial bound on the lowest neutrino mass.
Supernova neutrinos may eventually be able to answer this by time-of-flight, but it depends on the theoretical understanding of exactly what is going on inside the exploding star.
There is some data from SN 1987a, but it is not of sufficient quality to provide even a rough answer.
The best we can say at this time is that they are known to be quite small, indeed. (And that is another problem to keep the theorists busy...)
It is technically impossible to measure the speed of such a particle directly; and it all depend on "which" neutrino you are talking about.
The speed is related to the momentum and the momentum to the energy. So you can have a neutrino of some MeV of total energy, another one of some GeV, etc.
But in any cases, the answer will be "very very close" to c.
In all cases neutrinos can be considered as ultra relativistic: their total energy is much higher than their rest energy: $E_t >> m_0 c^2$.
In that case, this relation holds: $E = p c$ where $ p = \gamma m_0 v$. The problem is that $m_0$ is not know with a high precision, it is of the order of the eV.
You can do the math inserting a plausible energy for a solar neutrino, or for a neutrino coming from a high energy collision process, taking any reasonable value for the rest mass.
Edit: To fix the ideas, the rest mass can be something of the order of 0.1 eV and a typical solar neutrino can be of the order of 10 MeV. That's a $\gamma = 10^8$ !
Experimental measurements of neutrino speed have been performed. But thus far, they have all found that the neutrinos were going so close to the speed of light that no difference was detectable within the precision of the experiments.
A couple measurements are described here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutrino#Speed