Speed up float 5x5 matrix * vector multiplication with SSE

I would suggest using Intel IPP and abstract yourself of dependency on techniques

In principle the speedup could be 4 times with SSE (8 times with AVX). Let me explain.

Let's call your fixed 5x5 matrix M. Defining the components of a 5D vector as (x,y,z,w,t). Now form a 5x4 matrix U from the first four vectors.

U =

Next, do the matrix product MU = V. The matrix V contains the product of M and the first four vectors. The only problem is that for SSE we need read in the rows of U but in memory U is stored as xyzwtxyzwtxyzwtxyzwt so we have to transpose it to xxxxyyyyzzzzwwwwtttt. This can be done with shuffles/blends in SSE. Once we have this format the matrix product is very efficient.

Instead of taking O(5x5x4) operations with scalar code it only takes O(5x5) operations i.e. a 4x speedup. With AVX the matrix U will be 5x8 so instead of taking O(5x5x8) operations it only taxes O(5x5), i.e. a 8x speedup.

The matrix V, however, will be in xxxxyyyyzzzzwwwwtttt format so depending on the application it might have to be transposed to xyzwtxyzwtxyzwtxyzwt format.

Repeat this for the next four vectors (8 for AVX) and so forth until done.

If you have control over the vectors, for example if your application generates the vectors on the fly, then you can generate them in xxxxyyyyzzzzwwwwtttt format and avoid the transpose of the array. In that case you should get a 4x speed up with SSE and a 8x with AVX. If you combine this with threading, e.g. OpenMP, your speedup should be close to 16x (assuming four physical cores) with SSE. I think that's the best you can do with SSE.

Edit: Due to instruction level parallelism (ILP) you can get another factor of 2 in speedup so the speedup for SSE could 32x with four cores (64x AVX) and again another factor of 2 with Haswell due to FMA3.

The Eigen C++ template library for vectors, matrices, ... has both

  • optimised code for small fixed size matrices (as well as dynamically sized ones)

  • optimised code that uses SSE optimisations

so you should give it a try.