Speed up Matplotlib?

Downsampling is a good solution here -- plotting 10M points consumes a bunch of memory and time in matplotlib. If you know how much memory is acceptable, then you can downsample based on that amount. For example, let's say 1M points takes 23 additional MB of memory and you find it to be acceptable in terms of space and time, therefore you should downsample so that it's always below the 1M points:

if(len(a) > 1M):
   a = scipy.signal.decimate(a, int(len(a)/1M)+1)

Or something like the above snippet (the above may downsample too aggressively for your taste.)

I was interested in preserving one side of a log sampled plot so I came up with this: (downsample being my first attempt)

def downsample(x, y, target_length=1000, preserve_ends=0):
    assert len(x.shape) == 1
    assert len(y.shape) == 1
    data = np.vstack((x, y))
    if preserve_ends > 0:
        l, data, r = np.split(data, (preserve_ends, -preserve_ends), axis=1)
    interval = int(data.shape[1] / target_length) + 1
    data = data[:, ::interval]
    if preserve_ends > 0:
        data = np.concatenate([l, data, r], axis=1)
    return data[0, :], data[1, :]

def geom_ind(stop, num=50):
    geo_num = num
    ind = np.geomspace(1, stop, dtype=int, num=geo_num)
    while len(set(ind)) < num - 1:
        geo_num += 1
        ind = np.geomspace(1, stop, dtype=int, num=geo_num)
    return np.sort(list(set(ind) | {0}))

def log_downsample(x, y, target_length=1000, flip=False):
    assert len(x.shape) == 1
    assert len(y.shape) == 1
    data = np.vstack((x, y))
    if flip:
        data = np.fliplr(data)
    data = data[:, geom_ind(data.shape[1], num=target_length)]
    if flip:
        data = np.fliplr(data)
    return data[0, :], data[1, :]

which allowed me to better preserve one side of plot:

newx, newy = downsample(x, y, target_length=1000, preserve_ends=50)
newlogx, newlogy = log_downsample(x, y, target_length=1000)
f = plt.figure()
plt.step(x, y, label="original")
plt.step(newx, newy, label="downsample")
plt.step(newlogx, newlogy, label="log_downsample")


I'm often interested in the extreme values too so, before plotting large chunks of data, I proceed in this way:

import numpy as np

s = np.random.normal(size=(1e7,))
decimation_factor = 10 
s = np.max(s.reshape(-1,decimation_factor),axis=1)

# To check the final size

Of course np.max is just an example of extreme calculation function.

P.S. With numpy "strides tricks" it should be possible to avoid copying data around during reshape.